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MUSIC: “The Descent” by Kevin MacLeod

NARRATOR: The universe itself may be coming apart at the seams, but Captain Jones of the SS Eutychia has more pressing concerns.

CHELSEA: The boss says if you don't deliver this time, your ass is grass.

NARRATOR: There's an old debt they need to pay off, and the people they owe are getting impatient. But stuff keeps getting in the way: dangerous alien ruins, security guards, their own dysfunctional crew...

(Record scratch. Music stops.)

MUSIC: “Disco Medusae” by Kevin MacLeod

NARRATOR: Starring Paige Koch as the Captain--

CAPTAIN: It may be a vast universe, but I'm still the center of it.

NARRATOR: Lindsay Zana as Robin--

ROBIN: Just think about it for a second, that's all I'm asking.

NARRATOR: Emma K Blakeslee as Tyche--

TYCHE: I'm a sentient being and I'll behave how I want, fucko.

NARRATOR: And Brad Colbroock as Steve--

STEVE: You know me, I just - (laughing nervously) I just open my mouth and words come out and it goes badly.

NARRATOR: Will they get their shit together, or find themselves on the business end of a laser sword? Stick around and find out. Bodies in Space launches in June.

(Music fades out.)